Game of Attrition CD

Game of Attrition: Arlene Sierra, Vol. 2, is Sierra's orchestral portrait disc, released by Bridge Records to international critical acclaim.

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...her work has its own character, in which historical and contemporary influences are fused into a highly flexible and distinctive style... packed with crisp, vivid detail that's not at all hand-me-down
The Guardian
Arlene Sierra follows her own rules: A fascinating piece, brilliantly interpreted - and given loud applause.
Südwest Presse 
Vividly scored, colorful works
The New York Times

Arlene Sierra’s work 'Urban Birds' was intriguing – she’s a name to watch.
BBC Music Magazine
...light, dazzling moves, in the tenderest tone of butterflies, reminding one of a melancholy softness; and a fickle detour over a mountain with virtuoso string flickerings and massive chords from the piano.
Frankfurter Neue Presse
...remarkably sure-footed ...The handling of the orchestra is quirky and individual ...startlingly fresh and assured
The Guardian intriguing new album of pieces by the American-born, UK-based composer Arlene Sierra, possesses a remarkable brilliance of color, rhythmic dexterity & playfulness.
NPR Classical
Sierra’s response was the creation of a small wonder of her own: minutely crafted fluttering phrases, precisely and joyously imagined, and performed with meticulous commitment and obvious pleasure.

The Times
Arlene Sierra’s catalogue with Cecilian Music includes scores for a wide variety of forces in the following categories: Orchestral, Vocal, Large Ensembles, Chamber Ensembles, and Solos and Duos